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Your local, trusted service company in Central Pennsylvania since 1952

Things You Need to Ask a Contractor Before a Project

Asking your contractor the right questions can help keep your HVAC project running smoothly. WM Buffington Company recommends asking your contractor about their concerns regarding the project, their communication style and the schedule. Discussing these things with your contractor will help ensure everyone is on the same page when it’s time to start your project. Learn more here:

Things You Need to Ask a Contractor Before a Project

  • How Do You Communicate With Customers? Your contractor acts like your partner during your project, and all partnerships require good communication. Ask them about the particular ways they like to communicate, and determine if their communication style matches your own. If you feel that you will work well together, we recommend scheduling regular meetings.

  • What Is the Project Schedule? Your project schedule should include detailed information about the various deadlines and provide a detailed roadmap to follow during the project. As the leading choice for local insulation installation services, we recommend asking about the date for when they plan to work on your home and also about product delivery dates. If your contractor can give realistic estimates, this is a good sign that they are experienced and reliable.

  • What Are Your Concerns About My Project? There is always a chance of encountering the unexpected during a project. Fortunately, a good contractor will know how to anticipate and deal with any roadblocks. Talk with your HVAC company about their concerns, and ask them about how they plan to deal with a worst case scenario. Preparing for these problems early on will help ensure your project’s success.

WM Buffington Company has helped countless homeowners with our HVAC and plumbing services over the decades. Our experience and our focus on superior customer service mean our projects run smoothly. We make every effort to ensure that our customers are well-informed, and that they have all the knowledge they need to make good decisions. We serve many areas, including Harrisburg, PA. Call us at (717) 657-2451 to learn more about our services and products.


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