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5 Mistakes That Unknowingly Increase Utility Bills

Have you ever opened your utility bill and felt a surge of shock at the amount owed? You're not alone. Many households struggle to keep their energy costs in check, often unaware of the small yet impactful mistakes contributing to the high expenses. In an era where every penny counts and environmental sustainability is a growing concern, managing your utility bills effectively is more important than ever.

The good news is that most of these skyrocketing costs boil down to avoidable errors and oversights. By identifying and addressing these mistakes, you can take immediate steps to cut down on expenses and contribute to a greener planet. In this blog post, the energy-saving experts at WM Buffington dive into the five most common mistakes that unknowingly increase utility bills, and offer practical solutions to help you save energy and money, without compromising on comfort.

1. Ignoring “Energy Vampires”

Energy vampires are devices that continue to draw power even when they're turned off or in standby mode. Common culprits include phone chargers, microwaves, and televisions. These seemingly innocuous appliances can collectively add significant amounts to your utility bill over time. 

To combat this, consider unplugging devices when they're not in use or using power strips to easily switch off multiple gadgets at once. Smart plugs can also help by allowing you to control the power supply remotely, ensuring that no energy is wasted. If you remain mindful of these energy-draining devices, you can take a simple yet effective step toward reducing your energy consumption and cutting down on your utility costs.

2. Neglecting HVAC Maintenance

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems account for a significant portion of household energy consumption, making their proper maintenance crucial. Unfortunately, many people forget to change filters or skip professional inspections, leading to decreased system efficiency. Clogged filters and unchecked components force the system to work harder, consuming more energy and driving up costs.

Regularly replacing filters—ideally every 1-3 months—and scheduling annual professional maintenance can keep your HVAC system running smoothly. This not only prolongs the life of the equipment but also ensures it's operating efficiently, thereby reducing energy consumption. Simple maintenance tasks can make a noticeable difference in your utility bills, offering a high return on minimal effort. By staying proactive about HVAC care, you'll enjoy better performance and lower energy costs year-round.

3. Overlooking Insulation and Sealing

Poor insulation and sealing can lead to substantial heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer, forcing your HVAC system to work overtime. Common problem areas include attics, basements, windows, and doors where air can escape or enter. Even small gaps and cracks can have a significant impact on your home's overall energy efficiency.

To tackle this, inspect your home for drafts and consider adding or upgrading insulation in key areas. Weatherstripping and caulking around doors and windows can also make a big difference. Another effective solution is to use insulated curtains or thermal window treatments. However you tackle it, by improving your home's insulation and sealing, you'll maintain a more stable indoor temperature, reduce energy waste, and see a noticeable decrease in your utility bills.

4. Misusing Thermostats 

Improper thermostat usage is another common mistake that can significantly drive up your utility bills. Many people set their thermostats too high in the winter and too low in the summer, making their HVAC systems work harder than necessary. Utilizing programmable or smart thermostats can help maintain optimal temperatures throughout the day and night without manual adjustments.

Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and higher in the summer when you're asleep or away from home. These small adjustments can lead to substantial energy savings. Additionally, avoid placing thermostats near heat sources or in direct sunlight, as this can cause inaccurate readings and inefficient operation. 

5. Disregarding Water Heating Efficiency

Water heating accounts for a substantial portion of household energy usage, yet it's often ignored when looking to cut utility costs. Many homeowners set their water heaters at unnecessarily high temperatures, leading to wasted energy. Lowering the thermostat on your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit can significantly reduce energy consumption without sacrificing comfort.

Additionally, insulating your water heater and the surrounding pipes can help maintain the desired water temperature more efficiently. Consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient model if your current water heater is outdated. Using water-saving fixtures and practicing mindful water usage, like taking shorter showers, can also contribute to lower energy bills. By focusing on water heating efficiency, you'll see a marked decrease in your utility costs.

Lean on Over 70 Years of Experience

Reducing your utility bills is achievable by addressing common mistakes such as ignoring energy vampires, neglecting HVAC maintenance, and misusing thermostats. If you need expert guidance, WM Buffington, with over 70 years of experience, can help optimize your home's energy efficiency. From HVAC maintenance to water system solutions, our team has the expertise to lower your energy costs. Contact the energy-saving specialists at WM Buffington today to start saving on your utility bills and contribute to a greener planet.

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