The last thing you want to happen as you’re snuggling in this winter is to find out that your furnace isn't starting. Unfortunately, diagnosing the problem can be very tricky, since there are a lot of factors that could be causing it - from an issue with the thermostat to an inadequate gas supply.
At WM Buffington Company, Inc., we're experts at maintaining an energy-efficient cooling system and addressing heating issues. In this post, we list the five most likely reasons why your furnace isn’t turning on.
The Pilot Light Has Gone Out
Take a peek underneath the furnace and check if the blue pilot light is on. It’s a fairly common occurrence for it to go out in the winter; fortunately, you can address this rather easily simply by relighting the pilot light.
The Circuit Breaker Has Blown
Electric furnaces require power to operate, so they won’t start if there’s a problem with the power supply, such as a blown circuit breaker. This may seem harmless when you think about it, but the sudden electric surge can cause problems for electric-powered systems, and may even necessitate home air conditioning repair. Inspect the furnace's electric wiring for signs of damage and address any that are found as soon as possible.
There's a Problem With the Thermostat
You’ll also want to determine if there are any issues with your thermostat, as these can often be the cause of your heating and cooling problems. Check and see if it's been tampered with or is at an incorrect setting. You may need to ‘restart’ the thermostat by turning it to the highest heat setting to ‘jump start’ it, so to speak.
Not Enough Gas
Have you checked to see if the gas valve is turned on? A lack of gas may be due to a partially-turned valve, which will result in insufficient gas. Your furnace requires ample gas to fire up the system, so make sure the valve is turned on all the way.
Dirty Filter
Finally, survey the furnace’s air filter to see if it's dirty. It’s important to clean or replace it at least once a month, not only to keep the furnace running smoothly but also to ensure that it’s performing as energy-efficient as possible. It only takes a minute to change it out, so make it a monthly habit.
Whether you need furnace repair or ductless air conditioning installation, WM Buffington Company will make sure your home stays comfortable during the long winter season. Call us today at (717) 609-4020 to learn more about our services. We're home air conditioning repair experts in Middletown, PA.